
to the TAFL approved fanlisting to the relationship between Hongou Yui & Suboshi/Bu Shunkaku.
To know more about this fanlisting and Yui & Suboshi, visit about

Join the fanlisting by reading the rules, grabbing a code, and filling up the join form!

Layout Info

This layout requires at least 800x600 screen resolution, works best with IE6.0+ and is compatible with Mozilla Firefox and Opera. It was made with Adobe PS CS (8.0), Notepad, and Editpad. Credits are here


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Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'xdir_mysql'@'' (using password: YES) in /srv/disk5/xdir/www/yusu.awardspace.us/backend/get_last_updated.php on line 22
Cannot connect to the database. Try again.